Life coaching is a path that a coach needs to design and implement in the best possible way in order for a person to achieve a better tomorrow. What tomorrow's life will be like depends on his personal qualities.
Prepare for Ruben's lectures to become new pillars of your knowledge, but also of your beliefs, because in a very unusual and interesting way he leads you to reconsider your decisions and think.
The health segment is very important in Ruben's work, because only a healthy mind and a healthy body can create "tomorrow". Everyone has heard of energies, and few know what is meant by energy. The spectrum of energies is huge and unlimited.
You can find answers to current questions on this page in the form of mini lessons. Also, Ruben writes texts on various topics and gives video lectures through his YouTube channel.

Ruben Papian's musical career began at the age of 12, when he promoted advanced ideas as the founder and singer of a student rock band. Music is his great love, and by participating in the show "Nikad nice kasno", he wants to continue what he started in his youth.
"Ruben Papian predicted Corona virus in 2013, and now he claims: In July, a new wave of Serbs will return home, because it will be better here than there." - Firstly, the spark should appear. Then that spark gathers a critical mass around itself. When it comes to critical mass ...
"The process of aging does not exist!" Ruben's work is aimed at understanding human beings and finding ways to help a person in his progress. He is the author of three books published in America: How to Wish, How to Feel and How to Think.
Ruben Papian - a man of charisma, extraordinary abilities and high intellect. Introducing Ruben Papian is not easy. He is a man who arouses interest, amazement, admiration and great gratitude of many for his healing and coaching work.
Ruben revolutionized the world of music, made an effort to convey positive energy and softened us with his incredible sense of humor. The fear then disappeared, and a serious playing on ezo-guitars could begin. For those who are serious music lovers, continue reading the following.

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