Ruben Papian answers your questions related to current topics in the world. Mini lessons are short video lectures in which Reuben gives explanations and his opinion based on experience and his research methods. He has a non-standard approach to everyday topics and doubts that people encounter on a daily basis. Many find answers in his lectures and are encouraged to think and solve possible personal problems on their own.
42. Men in the future
I said almost a year ago that we will not be able to enter the store without a scan or a pass. What is strange is that they do not scan at the entrance to public transport, and there are the largest gatherings of people. But, don't worry, by the end of 2023, everyone will be scanned before entering public transport. Get ready for new stages of vaccination. Not the third dose, but the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. They are corrected vaccines that will do their job for evolving of our cells.
41. Intuition
We humans, as a race, are not yet combined in one. That's why we're not welcome outside planet Earth. We always stand on the side of fear. Isn't that our flaw? Today, we are in a zone of fear, not in a zone of possibility. We try to overcome our fears with our victories. When we get to the stage of being one organism, one whole, the word success will cease to exist as a category.
39. The flaws of today's man
We humans, as a race, are not yet combined in one. That's why we're not welcome outside planet Earth. We always stand on the side of fear. Isn't that our flaw? Today, we are in a zone of fear, not in a zone of possibility. We try to overcome our fears with our victories. When we get to the stage of being one organism, one whole, the word success will cease to exist as a category.
40. Vaccines and Covid passes
I said almost a year ago that we will not be able to enter the store without a scan or a pass. What is strange is that they do not scan at the entrance to public transport, and there are the largest gatherings of people. But, don't worry, by the end of 2023, everyone will be scanned before entering public transport. Get ready for new stages of vaccination. Not the third dose, but the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. They are corrected vaccines that will do their job for evolving of our cells.
38. Genetic programming of people in the future
What are we going to and where will we be, I'm talking about our human race in general, in 200 or 300 years? Please watch this episode until the end, because I explained in a very colorful way and only at the end what "programming" of individuals means and what it leads us to in the future. Know that much more developed races than ours have already gone this way.
37. Family in the Future (part 2)
In 50 years, the child will be brought up by the community. But for that to happen, the concept called "my child" must disappear. A child is not a slave!
So, a new social unit is being created, a family that will create children. There will be new laws, new protocols. We must allow evolution to happen in its own way.
37. Family in the future (part 1)
The first and most important thing: My people, whether we like it or not, it will be as it was planned!
This world does not function without control and this world will be controlled according to the plan for the next thousand years. As for the family, I have already said that the disintegration of the social closed unit that we call the family is currently happening.
36. People in the Future (part 2)
By the end of 2022, a new theater will be built, in "color". When we enter our new theater, many things will not be known to us. But we will have a passport built into us. Well, we got vaccinated, didn't we? Only a naïve man nowadays can think that he is free... As for the family, I will explain in this mini lesson how the alien races, which are much more advanced than us, accept the new concept of the family.
36. People in the Future (part 1)
What can I say? A total disorientation in all humans. Here is my view, it is a subjective view. Maybe for someone this will be a shock. Humanity will be divided into two. Vaccinated and unvaccinated is just the first episode of the Corona show. But the real division comes after, it will be the total division of the race into pre and post human race.
35. Who plans the future of the planet Earth
If we are talking about an organ that is responsible for forming the architecture of the development of the entire planet and the evolution of humanity, I think that these people (if they are people at all) have great obligations and great headaches. Is there a plan for the next thousand or five thousand years? Yes. At some point, we will implement our experience on some planet where we will develop a race, some future alien people.
33. CLAA and the essence of oneself
Brief history about CLAA: In 2012, I discovered how the system parts of man work, especially the software part of man, which I called CLAA. The structure of a human depends on the gene - it is the material from which it is made. Other factors are geographical area and nationality, followed by social environment. Later, a personality appears. In this lecture, I will explain how a person is formed and where the essence of himself is.
34. Corona show is back
Corona again. It obviously decided to prepare for the next season as well. And how it's wavy, nice and fine, pay attention to those waves. It's as if that Corona knows very well when to do what. What awaits us next? What will this lead us to? This will lead us to the formation of new mutual instruments for more equalization and understanding towards each other.
30. Vaccination and corona show
I call all this the Corona show to make it at least interesting... People are on the streets, protesting, dramatizing, they don't want to be vaccinated. Everyone is talking about a new lock down, Covid passports, etc. I've been getting questions about all this for a while now. My friends, we will eat what we usually eat, we will drink what they give us and we will live the way the world is being created. This is called evolution.
31. Climate change (The future of planet Earth)
Dear friends, you can see for yourself what is happening with weather. It's all part of the reorganization of the planet Earth. The earth is a living organism, it is practically more alive than us. I like to say that Earth is one young lady growing and evolving. Let's say the time has come for the Earth to change its outfit, to go from a smaller city to a larger one. In this lecture, I will take a look into the future and see what will happen. Greetings, Ruben
32. Mental health
Usually, when someone is financially strong, society will accept his creativity and daydreaming as something interesting, maybe valuable. The amount of money defines the level of your consciousness in society, not the quality of the operability of your consciousness. If society says that you are not mentally healthy, and you are in fact a highly creative being who does not fit into its norms, then you remain mentally unhealthy. Be creative!
29. Feelings (How to express your feelings)
Emotion is an energy reaction of biological matter to an internal or external event. If we do not have a reaction, it means that we are in a coma or we are gone. But the main mistake of our learning to fit into the social environment is to divide emotions into positive and negative. It is the main mistake. Why is no one talking about the correctness of the reactions? Listen to this mini lesson, then decide for yourself. Ruben
28. Optimism (How to be optimistic)
My friends, I think it is important to elaborate the topic of optimism and to see what is meant by that. Sometimes optimism can be both stupidity and naivety, it all depends on the angle of observation and the situation. And how to be optimistic in life and should we be optimistic? Write in the comments what optimism is for you and how you look at it. Greetings, Ruben
27. Esotery in reality
Dear everyone, with this mini lesson I will answer questions about esotericism. Also, with this lesson, I will welcome many new people who come to my channel. I will explain that the point of everything I am talking about is to bring esotericism, or that invisible matter, closer to you, and to make it easier for you to understand how much esotery is actually integrated into the material world.
26. About expressing your opinion
Let's analyze together the question why a person needs to express his opinion. Are they looking for the truth? Seeking confirmation of their truth? Want to be useful? They want to be "good people"? We will see... In this lecture I will explain some options and show how the human brain works when it comes to money.
24. Sound diapason
When we speak, we are actually painting in space with a sound range. What kind of picture we will paint depends on ourselves. Words are not just words. The color composition we use is limitless. And most of the high esotericism lies in recognizing a person and what sound range his structure properly receives.
25. Consciousness part 1/2
I still get a lot of questions about consciousness. I will try to explain all the doubts. Firstly, we are not born with consciousness, but we are born with a brain. Consciousness is a function or combinatorics or a method or structure of forming an interaction between neurons. Like stacking Lego bricks.
23. Sound and mental processes
Dear friends, this lesson was created in response to a viewer's question. I will talk about sound and what such vibrations trigger and how the brain behaves. Together we will come to the conclusion that our language by which we communicate is completely adapted to the simplicity and roughness of conscious parameters.
22. Slave society
I have said a long time ago that our civilization is a highly developed slave-owning society where the feeling of freedom depends on the size of the cage and the gilding of the bars. Freedom should be an objective parameter of the whole society. Society can be free, not an individual.
21. People or robots
Dear friends, today I will answer the question if we are becoming robots, due to our common lifestyle. Firstly, let's understand what the word "robot" means and why are we using it in the context in which we use it. And you will have two choices (figuratively speaking, of course): to be a happy robot or an unhappy man. Choose and comment, and let's try to see where will this take us.
Respect your sleep
Your body is smart, it still doesn't listen to doctors. He needs sleep. And why does the body ask you to sleep? It is obvious that some process takes place then, something happens then and that "something" is extremely necessary. All the secrets are in the part of you where your personality is not.
20. Religion, prayer and faith
Think of it this way: in the future, we won't need hardware to get signals from any software or ether signals. Everything will be directly integrated into us. It will be a digital religion that includes instructions for the correct positioning, development and use of faith. And, what will be our possibilities then? Huge! Amazing!
19. Religion
Let's start by separating faith from religion. Faith is what nature has given us, it is our quality - we all carry it within us. When we talk about religion, how much have we actually evolved to this day, and is there a new religion for humanity at all? Even if religion does not evolve into something new, people will not stop looking for an answer to new states that they feel deep inside.
18. About vaccination
Everyone is looking for an answer to the question about vaccination and everyone finds some explanation, but even if we want to know what is happening in the vaccination process, we can't! It is important that a new age is coming: the age of bio-digitalization, which I will explain in this lecture. Everything is an integral part of future changes!
17. The high Consciousness (part 2/2)
Art as a form of emotional satisfaction will disappear. The brain becomes a machine that can preform parallel processes and make new variations. A new form of filling reality with individual parameters will appear - reality will have additional parameters. Our path to the formation of high consciousness is an introduction to the formation of social consciousness, so the meaning of life will absolutely change.
17. The high Consciousness (part 1/2)
Today I am continuing on the topic of the human evolution, the change in the world of art, the importance of emotions, but I am also coming to the formation of a different consciousness. New values await us in relation to which a new consciousness will be formed. Together we will look into the very distant future to see the direction in which humanity is moving today.
16. Evolution of art and emotions (part 2/2)
I have already said that emotions are what define a person's thought. So far, the man has thought the way he feels. But the evolution of the brain is moving forward. The brain begins to act like a rebel: "I want to define how I feel, not let biology tell me how to act!" The first changes will be visible by the end of the year, we need emotional quarantine. And no, love will not save the world.
16. Evolution of art and emotions (part 1/2)
On this day, and after the changes we have all been experiencing in the last year, do we have what is called a generational conflict? We do not. We fell into a vacuum. Both the clock that ticked and the parameters of tomorrow will change and we will never continue where we left off. And all the great changes are reflected on the foundations of our existence.
15. Hygiene of consciousness + EXERCISE
The creative part of us is deprived by the fact that the consciousness is literally infected with information that come from the outside, and there is no hygiene whatsoever. Stay with me until the end of this lesson and learn an exercise that will maintain the hygiene of your consciousness. Rejuvenate your consciousness, bring it to the level of functionality!
Today's day is seven and a half years old!
This consciousness will not change on its own. Consciousness will fight its change. Elimination was supposed to happen, but it was postponed for a while. A certain virus may appear. The illness works great. When you release a virus from within, the illness itself and that virus begin to modify consciousness. Consciousness itself does not control the virus, it only gets a new variation of itself. And this hurts.
Emotions - without the user's manual
Why does a human need emotions for? What are they for? We long for new emotions, unknown to us. Does the mere fact that an emotional state has arisen in you mean that it belongs to you or do you belong to that state? In the human world, everything is upside down! Positive emotions for us, my people, are actually negative emotions. And we blame them for everything.
12. Everything is esotery
We are now, as a civilization, moving towards esotericism - towards understanding processes that we cannot see. As the whole world is digitized, so will the esotery become digital. Energy healing will also become digital, in the sense of changing the perception of the human body and human health.
11. About the money
Everyone today is worried about how they will live tomorrow, whether they will have enough money. The fact is that people earn less and that is why there is an inside conflict that has to do with the instability of the monetary system itself. Money is the blood, money is the oxygen that enabled the progress of this civilization and which itself is experiencing changes in the digital world.
Where is that sweet spot where one structure can express itself in the most efficient way? All people want progress because consciousness is used to this word "progress"! We have been taught that it is positive if we force ourselves to do something we haven't done so before. However, eating a kilo of meat, a football player who has three legs and other examples tell us that this is not considered to be progress.
9. Human possibilities
it is a very interesting topic about human possibilities, but you will agree with me after watching the video that it is even more interesting to discover what limits our possibilities. I have also given examples from life so that you can feel, not think, but feel how omnipotent and unlimited the possibility of biological life on our planet is. You are, dear all, unlimited in your possibilities. Therefore, live like Gods!
Faith and its nuances
Does God need our faith, and if so, what does he need it for? Everyone will now say, "He doesn't need it, we need it." Yes, he is God, he has it as much as you want, if he needs it. Why then would God ask of anyone to have faith? It is a simple, easy question and it is normal that no one has the answer.
7. Setting life goals
Now is not the time for leisure and pampering. It is time to dedicate ourselves, to look at our qualities and what we are like inside. At the end of all this, we will be new - we will understand more deeply what is really important in life. Listen to the tips I gave in this video and let them be at least some guidelines in the time to come.
I love as much as I can
I love one woman. Now I ask myself, “Do I love her enough? Maybe I could love her more? ” I look at her… She deserves more love. Why, when it comes to love, the force of pushing appears: alas, you have to love, be a man, why not, “all you need is love”… We don't need anything more, just a huge amount of love - 300g!
4. Love
Everyone notices that hard times have come. Somehow, because the holidays will come soon, we became closer, in our plans, expectations; we sympathize each other, we give ourselves to someone! And what will happen to love in the near future? Maybe these difficult times will bring a new love - INTELLIGENT love.
1. Evolution
Dear friends, from today, I will post a video every two to three days in which I will answer your questions. The most interesting and current topic "About evolution" and everything that is currently happening on our planet inspired me to make a mini lecture today. Write me in the comments what other topics would interest you and feel free to comment on everything I explained in this video.